My first "real" post is not going be full of sarcastically humorous points and observations that pick at various people or institutions that deserve it. There is a time and place for everything, and I feel as though at this time I have to comment on what happened at Virginia Tech.
There are events that occur in a person's life that make them wonder whether or not the world really is a good place or if it is going to hell in a hand basket. September 11, 2001 would be the most obvious example of such an event. For me, what transpired on Monday April 17, 2007 in Blacksburg, Virginia is right up there in this dubious list.
I am not going to write about how the lack of gun control in the United States contributed to this tragedy, because it did not. Events such as this have occurred in Canada as well. On December 6 1989, Marc Lepine went into Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique and killed 14 women for absolutely no reason! More recently, on September 13, 2006, a 25 year old gunman went into Montreal's Dawson College and went on a shooting spree, killing one woman and injuring 19 others.
I cannot even imagine what the people in Blacksburg are going through, and I hope to never feel the pain that they are feeling right now. All we can do is to provide our condolences and regards to the families of the of 33 deceased individuals (Yes, even the family of the gunman (men) need consoling) and hope that somehow, some way the University of Virginia Tech is able to compensate the families for their loss, although I am sure that there is no monetary amount that can replace a loved one.
I cannot even imagine what the people in Blacksburg are going through, and I hope to never feel the pain that they are feeling right now. All we can do is to provide our condolences and regards to the families of the of 33 deceased individuals (Yes, even the family of the gunman (men) need consoling) and hope that somehow, some way the University of Virginia Tech is able to compensate the families for their loss, although I am sure that there is no monetary amount that can replace a loved one.
Here is hoping that Virginia Tech wins the National Title this year!!
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