It has been a couple of days since my last post and I think enough time has gone by where I can unload some of the feelings that are running through my mind at this point:
1. Don't ever forget how important your family is to you. For those who do not have a family, words cannot express how badly I feel for you. Family provides your belief system and it pretty much determines what kind of person you are going to become and how you interact with people. They are there to bring you up when you are down and when you need a good kick in the ass for when you are out of line.
2. No one's life is perfect. When you see someone with a lot of money or who is well off, don't think to yourself, "I wish my like was like theirs!" You know WHY you shouldn't think that??? Because you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. It may look like they have the perfect life, but chances are THEY DON'T!!! EVERYONE HAS SKELETONS IN THEIR CLOSET!!! Some are larger and scarier than others. I have skeletons, and if you think I am letting them out over the Internet, you got another thing coming!
3. Too many people in this world get caught up in the little things (No girlfriend, can't afford this or that, what are my plans for the weekend and all that). These are not things to get all worried about!!! These people need to get their house in order cause once you get everything in order, then the rest falls into place. What do I mean by getting your house in order? Making sure that you are right MENTALLY! I have come to realize that it is all in your mind, visualize your future, put all your effort into making it happen and the rest will follow!
That is all that I can come up with with it being so late and my lack of sleep today...I guarantee you that there will be more tomorrow, but this time there will be some humour.
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